Popup Window on Calendars over Job to See Customer
Wiloni Darrington
When I put my mouse curser over any job on the calendar - the only thing pops up is the type of job - not the customers information. I am hoping that on the calendar, without clicking into the job - you can see name of customer and address. This is the hope of everyone I have talked to.
Max Kazakov
Team, this has been a feature for a while. You can see this information in this gray box area at the top of every Work Order.
Wiloni Darrington
Max Kazakov You are correct - But this is not the screen where we are hoping the popup window occurs on. On the Calendar screen without clicking on the customer and going into the customer's file.. Right now a little popup window occurs letting you know if it is an inspection, service or install. We would like that to continue, but also include the customer's name and address. ... Please.