AHJ/Utility/Vendor Databases in Coperniq
work in progress
Kalena Arnell
Max Kazakov do you have an estimated lauch date for this?
Max Kazakov
Kalena Arnell this is on track to be released in Q1 and I have you folks signed up for beta access :) Stay tuned !
Brian Platt
In addition to this, based on the AHJ automated, REQUIRED inspection work orders...Rough, final. Whatever inspections are required by a particular AHJ, the work order gets triggered. Or even the required inspections being stored in a database based on the AHJ
Max Kazakov
Merged in a post:
Internal Utility Database
Marian Alcantara
To tag which utility the project is under and have a database where we can input interconnection application information (utility website/portal link, required forms and utility requirements)
Max Kazakov
work in progress
We are now officially moving this from review to WIP! Stay tuned!
Max Kazakov
Merged in a post:
Bonds, COI's, Licenses
Brian Platt
A filing system to house COI's, Licenses, Bonds etc... for a particular city/county. Similar to Avetta
Nick Torres
With Forms and pdf's needed as a work order/template......please add asap